Andy Pat and the Third Secret of Fatima

It is mine, I tell you. My own. My precious. Yes, my precious’.

That’s how I feel about the latest arrival into my collection. Although purchased from Ross’s Auction Rooms in Belfast as far back as last March, I only took delivery of the painting yesterday. I think it is a Mk.II. version of the barn painting as the first one to appear for sale in 2017 also featured a donkey and a cow. There was also more of a glow from the stove in the barn – probably more wood pellets available back then.

There’s something about Andy Pat’s paintings – a certain ‘Je ne sais quoi‘ but I don’t know what it is. They are simple, pretty and some have a slightly subversive (?) message – in the best possible taste – of course.

To date, almost 80 paintings by Andy Pat have passed through Ross’s salerooms, and while the majority feature Northern Irish landmarks the sheep have reached Donegal and most recently were seen busking by the Molly Malone statue on Grafton Street.

I’m still searching high and low for any crumb of information about the artist but it’s like the Third Secret of Fatima. The Auctioneers don’t know, or they have been sworn to secrecy, other artists that I have asked don’t know and there’s been no feedback on many different message boards that I have posted on. I have even taken to asking people straight out if they are Andy Pat – a little embarrassing but life is too short to beat about the bush when you’re on a quest.

So come on, somebody spill the beans – you know that I’ll keep it to myself!

Contact the confidential email address:

Still not a dicky-bird!

Despite extensive enquiries I am still at a total loss to find out anything about W. (William ?) Huston. He was active in the 1970/80s and even if he died in the late 1980s it’s not that long ago and somebody must know something about him. Some of his paintings – most of which have been sold in Northern Ireland – have Ulster Watercolour Society written on them but by whom? The UWS have no record of him and it is possible that some gallery or auctioneer took it upon themselves to append this information.

Some of his paintings were sold through the Arches Gallery on the Newtownards Road, Belfast, but that has long since closed and its proprietor disappeared. Anyone know who the owner was and does he still walk amongst us?

Earlier this month I was lucky enough to purchase another of his paintings through a seller on Done Deal, bringing my total haul to eight but it’s been hard work. The quality of his work varies greatly but this one was a ‘must have’ and a bargain at €120 including p+p from Limerick.

Please contact me at with any snippet of information.

Andy Pat’s Wandering Sheep reach the South West!

Far from home, Andy Pat’s sheep turned up in Morgan O’Driscoll’s “Off the Wall” sale last night (30/9/2019). The identity of the artist whose sheep paintings are usually only found north of the border remains a mystery despite many enquiries. Can anybody help me out?

Lot.376. “At the Portrush Open” acrylic on canvas board (10″ x 12″), sold for €100.00.